The Positive Digital Communities work area has three work packages:
1. The Our Programme Community work package will produce a toolkit to support university staff to embed positive digital communities with their students in the context of a programme of study. This work will support the mental wellbeing of students by: i) fostering the sense of belonging and identity with the course, the University and the relevant discipline, and ii) providing digital opportunities to facilitate meaningful connections between staff and students.
2. The Our Student Peers Community work package will produce a toolkit to support student representatives, existing Peer Assisted Learning leaders, and existing Peer Mentors for Wellbeing to create positive digital peer communities that are related to programmes of study. This will support students’ mental wellbeing by: i) enhancing sense of belonging with study peers, ii) providing opportunities for informal peer support, iii) promoting timely help-seeking behaviour and iv) providing digital opportunities to facilitate meaningful connections with student peers.
3.The Our Student Interest Community work package will produce a toolkit to support students to embed positive digital communities within student-created and student-led activity groups, particularly those which are not linked to a programme of study. These include groups related to hobbies, sports, religion, culture and others. The toolkit will enable outputs from the other work packages to be used in student-led communities, supporting positive digital practices to be consistently adopted and sustained. Each Positive Digital Community work package will work with students to co-identify areas of existing good practice, co-produce a toolkit to support staff or students in designing positive digital communities and work with relevant academic and student groups to support wide adoption.